Picture this...You are in the middle of Kansas where the only civilized person in site is an overweight farmer in overalls. Going 100 mph down the long straight road, signs enticing you to see "Live Rattlesnakes" and the "World's Only Six-Legged Cow" wiz by. How do you turn up the chance to visit a freak show farm after spending the last 12 hours driving through your worst nightmare? You don't...
I have seen the Hostel and Texas Chainsaw Massacre Movies but nothing compares to the creepiness that ensues at Prarie Dog Town. Upon Entering the "farm" an old gentleman greeted us while pointing to his collection of taxidermy two-headed cows on the wall that he delivered himself. After going out back and witnessing the random assortment of foxes, pigeons, buffalo and prairie dogs scurrying about, we saw the infamous two-headed cow. Imagine what it would feel like to poop out two of your own legs and that's what this cow looked like. After this spectacle, it was time to get the hell out of Kansas. As we opened the door back into the "gift shop" where our taxidermy creeper sat, I imagined a roaring chainsaw waiting for us on the other end. Luckily, we escaped without having our limbs being fed to the mutant animals.
All in all, the road trip was a success but if I have one word of advice it's this...do not ever under any circumstance go to Kansas.