It's hard to believe that another year is over....I take that back, thank god 2008 has come and gone. You know it's going to be a good year when you start it off with a Lifetime Movie marathon and a PuPu platter. So it feels like an artic tundra in my bedroom due to a lack of functioning storm windows. The fight that broke out at our apartment at 2:00 a.m.? Just kids being kids.
I could make my predictions for what I hope 2009 will bring but why spoil all the fun? Something tells me it won't end up like any of the 5 movies I've suffered through on Lifetime's "Ring in the Romance" marathon. But it is a new year and nothing says starting over like a resolution list. So here is my attempt...find me on December 31, 2009 to see if I came close to sticking to any of these.
1. Update this blog more than 3 times a year...the goal is at least 4
2. Lose weight...because being cliche is entertaining
3. Drink till I'm buzzed not blacked out...acceptions to this include, birthdays, vacations, holidays and any day ending in y.
4. Perfect the worlds greatest Pandora playlist...I'm getting close with SWV.
5. Discover if this so called "Secret" really does work...if I'm married to Jim from the "Office" then you know it does.
6. Cook...or at the very least find a man that cooks.
7. Add to my repertoire of dance moves...although can anything really beat the grocery cart?
8. Get promoted...however, I am convincved that this is solely dependent on the economy and not my work ethic.
9. I'm too hungover and into "Flirting with Forty" to add a number 10.
Happy New Year or as my wise roomate says...fine in '09.
I Rebuke This Comeback in the Name of Rattails
4 weeks ago
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