This past week, I have felt like a kid on Christmas Eve waiting for Santa to come down the chimney and bring me an endless supply of Barbie Dolls. Tonight, my first group of visitors comes to San Diego for the weekend! I have not seen my girls Annie and Brenna since I moved in August – not cool.
Funny that after we all graduated college and I decided I could not live in New York and that Boston was the only place for me, they too moved to Boston. Two years later, I decided I had enough of the Northeast and had to leave them to their own debauchery.
I could not be more excited to recreate Spring Break with my some of my favorite people. To top it all off, Jackie is coming down from San Francisco for the weekend. What I love about this girl is that most of the memories I have of her are not appropriate to post. We didn’t elect her social chair for nothing.
I owe these girls many thanks for giving me some of the craziest times at Syracuse. From peeing in the middle of the bar, to countless one..two..three chugs at Chuck’s, the memories are endless and I cannot wait to recreate more this weekend! If only we had Cosmo’s cheesy fries.
While I am far too old to participate in spring break activities, this weekend will officially be known as “What happens in San Diego, stays in San Diego.” Unfortunately for me, I live here now so what does happen here will stay here and all of PB will know about it thus I may want to refrain from my recreating my past spring break experiences. Drinking crappy vodka and orange crystal light out of a bath tub anyone?
It would not be an unofficial “spring break” without designated roles. While Annie and Brenna will always be Andy and Brian in my eyes and Jackie will always be referred to as balls, this weekend we will be known as:
Rachel - Most likely to be mistaken for a Mexican, oh wait I already am on most days
Jackie – Most likely to pop a squat in an alleyway on Garnet
Brenna – Most likely to get a hickey the size of Russia on her neck (had to SM)
Annie – Most like to request Kelly Clarkson’s Since You’ve Been Gone O’Neils circa 2006 style
I cannot wait to see what kind of shenanigans we get into this weekend. But most of all, I cannot wait to share my new home with some of my favorite people! Thanks to Gaslamp Girl for her awesome ideas on downtown spots. Can you tell I don’t get out of PB often?
Next up on the visitor list – Jenna and Horney aka our new recruit targets.
I Rebuke This Comeback in the Name of Rattails
4 weeks ago
me and brooke are coming down in the fall!! we are going to book it in July! we will be your lucky number 3rd group of guests. hahaha
great post. my favorite line included the word "Barbies."
She informed today and I think that is an amazing idea! Miss you girls, more shenanigans will ensue upon your arrival!
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