I blame having an actual job on not keeping up with my posts. In fact, I am so behind I cannot even claim to represent the "real" Three's Company anymore. Yep, you guessed it, I moved. Jack managed to take off and run...he will now reside in a much more "desirable" part of the city.
Me? I took Chrissy and two other girls and moved one mile down the road. Now, one mile might not seem like a lot but when you poorly strap mattresses to the roof of your car and drive along the pot-hole filled roads of Somerville you can only imagine what could happen. Luckily, we all survived move-out and move-in day. I couldn't think of a better way to spend my Labor Day Weekend.
Now, I live with three other girls. At first I thought living with a dude would be a challenge. Where do I keep my feminine hygeine products? Will he judge me if I have been on the toliet for an obscene amount of time? Is it weird if I walk around without pants? I quickly realized that I would not have to worry about any of the above fears. In fact, only a few weeks in I got to witness first hand a game of "asshole" and a couple Papa John's pizza with three guys, none of them wearing any pants. According to everyone and their mother, the real challenge will be my current living situation.
Once we decided to break up our fictional threesome and start our own little mini brothel, you can only imagine how many times we were each asked the following question in various forms. "You are going to live with four girls? Wow that should be interesting, I mean I lived with four girls in college and none of us speak to each other anymore." Well all, thanks for the vote of confidence! And yes, we are all getting along swimmingly and no, I will not use my roomate's toothbrush to clean the toilet.
We have been settled into the new pad for three weeks now and so far so good. Sure we can't keep our window opens at night for fear of a late night attack by some mysterious predator. So what if every Saturday and Sunday morning the bells and bagpipes from the church next door chime on the hour every hour. Parking tickets? That's what the glove comparment is for.
For all of you, and by all I mean my mom, who read this, say goodbye to Three's Company and hello to Sex and the Town Located Really Close to the City.
I Rebuke This Comeback in the Name of Rattails
4 weeks ago
I love it!
I'm going to be able to keep on my your lives by reading this so I'm hoping that you do in fact keep this alive daily for as long as you can!
and p.s. where is this papa john's you speak of? those commercials always make me hungry.
Papa John's is convienently located on Somerville Ave and they deliver. However, I heard the just opened an Upper Crust in Harvard Square which is ten times better.
So glad we are up and running again! Sounds like things are running smoothly at the new house...no dull moment I am sure!
Still waiting for "parents night"...I'll let you know when I am available. Go Wakefield Girls... we are HOT no matter what Matty in the Mornging says.
P.S. I am glad I am not Miranda's
crazy mom!
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